ActiveLink can help you build a sustainable benefits program that lets your people do more, give more, live more. With our advanced, data-driven management tools, a comprehensive employee-benefits program can be a smart, cost-efficient choice for your company.
F  O  R    Y  O  U  R    B  U  S  I  N  E  S  S
Make smarter decisions
Track your company’s health and medical costs
Find the best HMO proposal that suits your company’s goals
Get the data and insights you need to craft a sustainable benefits program
Optimize your benefits program
Collaborate with us through an online, integrated benefits management system
Gather HMO resources, monitor employees’ benefits concerns, and more
Access everything with one secure account

E  M  P  L  O  Y  E  E    S  E  L  F  -  S  E  R  V  I  C  E    T  O  O  L  S
at Every Step
Log into your secure, all-in-one HMO platform
Check HMO plan details, download key forms, and more through your account

Get healthcare support that’s in sync with your lifestyle
Find clinics, set appointments, and more with the ActiveLink mobile app

Anywhere, Anytime
Get quick, detailed answers from our HMO management helpdesk
Enjoy personalized guidance from HMO enrollment to billing and availment

Made Better
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